If Not Apollo, the Breeze

Still from What We Know that We Don’t Know

Still from Frozen World of the Familiar Stranger

In this video Kadist curator Jordan Stein discusses the exhibition If Not Apollo, the Breeze which ran October 11–December 16, 2017 and included nine artists and one underground newspaper: Etel Adnan, Larry Bell, Mary Helena Clark, Trisha Donnelly, Terry Fox, Matthew Angelo Harrison, Tony Labat, Pope.L, Sturtevant, San Francisco Oracle (Allen Cohen, ed.)

If Not Apollo, the Breeze took the ancient literary history of the oracle at Delphi as its starting point to explore the irrational, ambiguous, infallible, portentous, performative, hallucinatory, and predictive. Like the oracle itself, the exhibition presented a series of coded messages that address a future that is both hard to discern and right under our feet, like a road.

Polpo worked together with Stein and Kadist media producer Pete Belkin to create this video, reflecting some of the exhibits very own explorations.

Space organ ambient music by Unfa

Other productions documenting Kadist exhibitions include:
* Frozen World of the Familiar Stranger
* What We Know that We Don’t Know
* Fucking Good Art


KADIST San Francisco
